
Sean Sieger sean.sieger at
Mon Sep 5 18:22:12 UTC 2005

Guido Heumann <listguido at> writes:

   I'd say there are 3 kinds of potential risks in this scenario:

   1. cracking your machine
   but in a default hoary install with ubuntu's policy of "no ports open by 
   default" this had to happen with a security exploit. If you updated your 
   hoary machine with the latest securiyt updates, then this should be no 

I haven't changed a thing from the default setup; yes sir, the machine
is kept up-to-date.

   2. intercepting the connection with your bank
   but if you are using an encrypted connection over https (like every bank 
   should be doing), this should be safe. Just don't use links to "your bank 
   account" coming via email (=phishing mails)

Yes, https.

   3. fake bank server
   if the caller told you an URL and you used THAT for logging in, then I'd be 
   worried in your case. But you hopefully did use a bookmark to connect to you 
   bank's website, didn't you? ;-)

Right, the navigation was done by rote--a URL that I've been typing
for years.

   So probably nothing to worry about. Take it as a "healthy" little shock, to 
   raise your security/privacy awareness.

Uh-huh, heightened, knots in my stomach--before the phone rang, I was
about to take a break and make my lunch.

Guido, thank you for taking the time to compose this mail--I
truly appreciate being able to go throught that list you've
Sean Sieger

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