How safe is it to buy Linux distributions on ebay

Byron Poland wpoland at
Mon Sep 5 03:07:56 UTC 2005

On 9/4/05, Rajiv Vyas <rajiv1 at> wrote:

> When I tried it for the first time couple of weeks ago (k3b as well as
> Nautilus), the burning would stop about half way, says something like
> cdrecorder error, Code 254. I fixed that by starting DMA, which
> apparently is not switched on automatically. Now, when I try and burn
> an ISO image (breezy) the CD burning goes all the way, but for some
> reason I am unable to load breazy on the laptop. Didn't have this
> problem when I was running Sarge. It would burn out of box.
> Rajiv

Have you checked the md5's? the image could be bad.  also someone
smarter may adivse on a way to check the burned cd to see if it is
okay as well.

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