How safe is it to buy Linux distributions on ebay

Kent Nyberg nyberg.kent at
Sun Sep 4 22:09:14 UTC 2005

sön 2005-09-04 klockan 17:51 -0400 skrev Rajiv Vyas:
> People have talked about backdoor on Win XP. I was wondering: How safe
> is it to buy Knoopix, Ubuntu or other distros on ebay? Could a smart
> hacker emabde a script that could secretly export your personal info?
> These questions came to my mind as I am finding it almost impossibe to
> burn CDs on Ubuntu and have been thinking about buying something on
> the ebay.
> Thanks,
> Rajiv

It should not be impossible to burn CDs in Ubuntu.
If you encounter problems like that, it is due to some problem which can
be fixed, or hardware-error - which then is not related to ubuntu.

Btw, buying Ubuntu, or anything else, on Ebay always have the risk of
buying CDs which has been fixed to give away private stuff etc. But cant
you get a friend to download it for you so that you/he/she can make a
copy? Its free to do that, and more secure. As for ubuntu,  you can
order CDs for free from (That is, they are official
CDs from Ubuntu with a nice graphics etc. A Must-have!).

But as for the main problem with burning CDs. What is the problem? Could
you give detailed information about whats going wrong? Which program
It should work out of the box if you do it correctly.
One thing that might give away information is to look at the command
dmesg from the terminal when a burning has failed. That might leak some
information about hardware-errors like I/O error etc.


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