How to switch the window manager

Magnus Therning magnus at
Sun Sep 4 21:53:01 UTC 2005

On Sun, Sep 04, 2005 at 11:03:17PM +0200, Kent Nyberg wrote:
>sön 2005-09-04 klockan 22:23 +0200 skrev Juanma Barranquero:
>Go to the main menu.
>Program->System Tools ->Gconf.
>Its translated into another label, but its the one with the red icon.
>Perhaps called configuration/settingsblaha or something in english.
>When its started, go to Desktop->Gnome->Application->Window_manager
>And from there, you can change windowmanager to something else, like

I've seen that GConf key as well, but whenever I've tried using it I
failed. Absolutely nothing happened. No matter how many times I logged
out, or rebooted... nothing! (I don't remember what GNOME version I
tried it on last though.)

So, I've stuck to the whole kill-wm-start-another routine, since it's
always been successful.


Magnus Therning                    (OpenPGP: 0xAB4DFBA4)
magnus at

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