How to switch the window manager
Magnus Therning
magnus at
Sun Sep 4 19:46:41 UTC 2005
On Sun, Sep 04, 2005 at 06:08:28PM +0200, Juanma Barranquero wrote:
>I'm using Ubuntu, and I'm reasonably happy with Gnome but metacity is
>really a bit short on features, so I'm giving a try to Enlightenment
>(DR16, the just-a-window-manager version, not the shinny but yet
>unfinished DR17, total-windowing-environment one).
>Well, I've had no trouble getting it with
> sudo apt-get install enlightenment
>but, what do I do now to convince GDM that I want to use Enlightenment
>as default window manager?
From reading the thread so far it looks like you want to run GNOME with
another window manager. This is how I changed the default WM in my
1. Open System->Preferences->Sessions. Navigate the to tab "Current
Session" and change the style of the metacity process to "Normal".
Apply and close.
2. Open a terminal and execute
$ pkill metacity; sleep 3; /usr/bin/enlightenment
This should kill metacity and then start enlightenment after a short
wait. Leave the terminal window open (killing it will probably kill
3. Log out and save the session (take a look at the "Session Options"
tab in System->Preferences->Sessions if you don't know what I'm
talking about).
4. Login again. This time enlightenment should be your window manager.
Again open the Sessions applet and make sure that enlightenment is
set to "Restart" on the "Current Session" tab.
(5. Next time you log out, choose to save session again, if you want to
get rid of the terminal window. :-)
Magnus Therning (OpenPGP: 0xAB4DFBA4)
magnus at
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I would point out that linked lists, mark-and-copy garbage collection, and
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