Microsoft declares war

Sunildev Birbal sunildevb at
Sat Sep 3 17:01:08 UTC 2005

strong words there....

On 9/2/05, newbie2 <ulist at> wrote: 
> Werner Punz Wrote:
> > Ballmer is playing with the life of his company here, without realizing
> > it in his endless greed for more money.
> "Ballmer's threat last November was recounted in a sworn declaration by
> a former Microsoft engineer, Mark Lucovsky, who said he met with
> Microsoft's chief executive 10 months ago to discuss his decision to
> leave the company after six years.
> After learning Lucovsky was leaving to take a job at Google, Ballmer
> picked up his chair and hurled it across his office, according to the
> declaration.
> Ballmer then pejoratively berated Google CEO Eric Schmidt, Lucovsky
> recalled.
> "I'm going to f------ bury that guy, I have done it before, and I will
> do it again," the declaration quotes Ballmer. "I'm going to f------
> kill Google."
> --
> newbie2
> --
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