Breezy/ poor performance

David Walker dave at
Thu Sep 1 15:50:28 UTC 2005

Chris wrote:

>I'm using the exact same kernel, config, and nVidia drivers in
>both Hoary and Breezy yet the performance is really bad in Breezy.  I
>can actually see the login screen being redrawn and when using
>applications I can see the windows being drawn and such.  Right clicking
>on the desktop has like a 2 second delay before the window pops up.
>Any ideas on what might cause this?  My configuration is identical for
>all the parts I can think of, the only difference being one install is
>Hoary and the other Breezy.
>It seems like I have seen this problem before but I absolutely can not
>remember what the issue is.
>Thanks for any help
I also see this problem, not on the login screen but within my favorite 
game in the world, tuxracer.  I also noted that glxgears just crawls 
along.  There is defiantly a problem here, and it is me not playing 
tuxracer ;)


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