How does the "Find in page" feature in Firefox 1.0.7 work on Hoary?

Rick Berger rberger at
Mon Oct 31 23:28:34 UTC 2005

On Sun, 2005-10-30 at 22:30 -0600, David Strauss wrote:
> On Sun, 2005-10-30 at 18:31 -0500, Rick Berger wrote:
> > Am I missing something when using the "Find in page" feature in Firefox
> > 1.0.7 on Hoary. After entering the text I looking for it won't go to the
> > targeted text in the file or say it's not found. Though if I click on
> > "Highlight" and scroll down the targeted text will be highlighted.
> > Shouldn't it goto the targeted text automatically when I hit return or
> > go to the text as I enter it?
> It should find as you type in the search box. Check to see if there are
> other occurrences of the search term on the page.

Ok, what happens is if I click "Highlight" on, as I type in the search
box it will highlight all the strings in the window that match what I
have typed. If I keep typing to match a word that is only lower in the
page below my window. It will not automatically scroll down to display
the word. I have to scroll down to see it. Shouldn't Firefox
automatically scroll down to display the word? And of course with
"Highlight" clicked off nothing happens.

Rick Berger <rberger at>

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