FAM want to remove *lots* of stuff on breezy machine

Rich Duzenbury rduz-ubuntu at theduz.com
Mon Oct 31 19:50:54 UTC 2005

On Mon, 2005-10-31 at 07:47 +1100, Peter Garrett wrote:

> This was recently answered on this list.
> Breezy no longer uses fam - it uses gamin. Thus attempting to install fam results in the long list you presented ;-)
> Peter

On further review, I see that gamin is marked as conflicting with FAM,
and that gamin would be removed, along with anything that depends on
gamin with the install of FAM.  

I understand the mechanics of why that would be.  What I can't fathom is
where the conflict between gamin and FAM is.  They don't appear to share
any of the same file names.

Can't they both be installed on the same machine without actual
'conflict'.  Is this a packaging error for gamin?



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