Adobe Reader not WYSIWYG

Peter Eis eis at
Mon Oct 31 17:43:46 UTC 2005

Dan Martin wrote:

>On Mon, October 31, 2005 7:53 am, Christoph Bier said:
>> schrieb am 31.10.2005 14:33:
>>>>Sounds like not all fonts are embedded---but they should be. Even if
>>>>you don't like xpdf (I prefer it) you can use pdffonts that ships
>>>>with xpdf to see which fonts are used and embedded (or not).
>>>how can I make all font to be embedded into adobe reader?
>>It's not a matter of the viewer program but of the PDF. The fonts
>>must be embedded in the PDF. The program that produces the PDF has
>>to be configured accordingly. Nowadays all PDF producing programs
>>should be configured that way.
That is correct but as this is an option which has to be configured most
of the times some fonts won't be embedded.

>I hate to say it, but I think you guys have misdiagnosed the problem.  I could be wrong.  But if the fonts were not
>embedded, he would also not see them on the screen.  Lack of embedded fonts should affect both display and printing, not
>printing alone.
Well, it's a feature of the pdf format that missing fonts can be
emulated. So if a font is not embedded (sometimes legal issues,
sometimes people just don't know how to do it) a pdf reader emulates the
font by using a so called Multiple Master font.
If you print such a document the result depends on the printer and it's
postscript interpreter.
If the document looks ok in acrobat but doesn't print ok on your printer
try to use the option 'print as image'


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