Broken installation, Where is Grub?

Tonamiben tonamiben at
Mon Oct 31 16:49:32 UTC 2005


Saturday I tried to install Hoary on a slave harddisk of my PII-350MHz
Here is my configuration:

Master HDD (40G):
Maxtor easy bios DDO (Dynamic Drive Ovelay)
1st partition: Windows Me
2nd partition: Fedora Core1

Slave disk (6G):
Ubuntu Hoary

I started by booting the computer with the install disk, expecting that 
Grub ask me if I want to boot from a FD or from the HD.
Because on some other try of Linux distro it was always the case.
I was very surprise that Hoary didn't ask me anythings and write 
directly to to hd0
Nothing worked since that time, not even the DDO.
I restore the DDO with the Maxtor floppy disk but no Grub anymore.
I tried the rescue of Fedora and only Ubuntu was recongnised.

So, what to do?
does Hoary kept the original boot data?
How to reconfigure?


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