XFCE Gui - ESS-1869 Sound Problems

Justin Phelps linuturk at gmail.com
Sat Oct 29 10:40:51 UTC 2005

Hello Community,

I've been really impressed with Ubuntu so far. It's the only distro that
supports the laptop monitor I have.


Laptop Specs: Software and Drivers - Prosignia Family 120, Microsoft
Windows 98

Tutorial I found on ESS-1869 Move to linux: Advanced Linux Sound
Architecture - . es18xx

I can't figure out exactly what this tutorial wants me to do, and I
can't figure out what Ubuntu may already have built in. I need some one
on one attention to help resolve this problem. 

I have the specific dma, irq, and memeory ranges for the hardware.
There are two sets.

PnP   and   A simple controller

I've been on IRC on FreeNode on #ubuntu, and I've worked with several
people, all in vain. At a user's suggestion, I'm posting to this mail

If there are any resources you need, don't hesitate to email me.

Thank you for your help in advance,


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