gnome keyboard layout

Thomas Kaiser (ubuntu) ubuntu at
Sun Oct 30 16:59:17 UTC 2005

Patrick Drechsler wrote:

 > Does this help?
 > ,----[ ]
 > | Upgrades from 5.04 (Hoary) using Swiss German or Swiss French
 > | keyboard layouts -- de_CH and fr_CH respectively -- in
 > | combination with other layouts, will result in a 'cannot set
 > | keyboard configuration' dialog, and a standard US PC-104 keymap
 > | will be used. To work around this, go into the GNOME keyboard
 > | selector, and remove and re-add the offending layout.
 > `----

I never got a dialog window.
I only have the "Switzerland German, eliminate dead keys" set in 
Keyboard Preferences. Just, did a reboot after setting this again. No 
luck. I still have the US keyboard layout :-(



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