Printing problem (cups) and dsl (pppoeconf) pb on Breezy

'Forum Post ulist at
Sun Oct 30 16:30:58 UTC 2005

lo martin Wrote: 


> Also, I've been unable to get dsl connection (set up

> using pppoeconf) to start at boot time; even pon

> dsl-provider doesn't work, I need to lauch pppoeconf

> and redo the configuration each time I want to

> connect. Modem is an Ethernet one.


i'm having the same problem! Every time i boot my system up, i need do
configure the dsl connection.....

it seens that ubuntu can't save any configuration... 

before anyone asks if i'm using the liveCD, no, i'm not! I'm using
ubuntu 5.1 + WINXP in the same PATA drive, whith raiserfs for ubuntu


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