Samba is Bi-Polar?

Bernard Peek bap at
Sun Oct 30 13:48:58 UTC 2005

In message <43642A56.7080406 at>, Sarangan Thuraisingham 
<sarangan.thuraisingham at> writes
>Mike Bird wrote:
>> On Sat, 2005-10-29 at 17:17, AA wrote:
>>>So basically, the problem is that samba does load, but
>>>the only way I can acctually get it to work is to open
>>>synaptic and search for 'samba' everytime I want to
>>>use it.  This makes no sense to me, as all I am doing
>>>is doing is trying to access the shared folder,
>>>failing, open synaptic and then samba magically starts
>>>working again.
>>   It may be that all that is needed is a delay of half a
>> minute to a minute while the samba client and samba server
>> find each other.
>>  If it takes longer than that, try checking (via "ps ax"
>> or otherwise) to determine when the smbd and nmbd processes
>> actually start running.
>>  --Mike Bird
>You can also manually start samba and nmbd by typing "/etc/init.d/samba 
>start" or to restart "/etc/init.d/samba restart". Or like mike said you 
>can try looking at the "ps" output. But this could be a long list, so 
>you could try "ps -ef|egrep 'samba|nmbd'".

You can also try /etc/init.d/samba status

That will tell you whether the Samba daemons are running.

Bernard Peek
London, UK. DBA, Manager, Trainer & Author.

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