Samba is Bi-Polar?

AA asokanon at
Sun Oct 30 00:17:53 UTC 2005

Hello all, I have recently installed sambe on one of
my machines with plans to basically just use the box
for storage purposes.  The first time I created a
shared folder, then used smbpasswd to create the pass
to access it, and all went fine all accross the
network.  Then, I reboot, and samba (presumably) loads
with the OS, (I say presumably because it unloads
every time I shut down), but I cannot asscess the
shared folder via the network servers link in the
'places' menu.  I get it working again by opening
synaptic and searching for 'samba'.  

So basically, the problem is that samba does load, but
the only way I can acctually get it to work is to open
synaptic and search for 'samba' everytime I want to
use it.  This makes no sense to me, as all I am doing
is doing is trying to access the shared folder,
failing, open synaptic and then samba magically starts
working again.  

Any ideas on this one?

Thanks in advancem,

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