mplayer window re size?

paul cooke paul.cooke100 at
Fri Oct 28 15:59:56 UTC 2005

On Friday 28 October 2005 09:25, Oscar wrote:
> You need to use xv as your video output - ie, "mplayer -vo xv
> file.extension" should be enough. But if you don't want to start mplayer
> like that every time you want to watch a video, there is a nice thread over
> at that shows how you can make this permanent with
> ~/.mplayer/config ...
> Here's the thread:

why mess with the config file when you can achieve the exact same effect by 
clicking on the spanner icon on the Mplayer gui and setting the preference 

messing with the config file runs the risk of typing it in wrong... while 
using the proper gui tool doesn't.

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