About to give up(again) with Linux!

Troy Williams troywill1 at gmail.com
Thu Oct 27 17:44:17 UTC 2005

On Thursday October 27 2005 11:33 am, Michael Shergold wrote:
> Once again most
> of the things that I had spent time getting going with Hoary failed
> miserably and lots of the applications seemed to be missing (what happened
> to Kynaptic).

From the Kubuntu 5.10 Release Notes (available at kubuntu.org or by pressing 
F1 (KDE Help Center) and clicking on Kubuntu Docs):

What's New
Here's what's new with Kubuntu 5.10
On the Desktop 
Adept and Adept-Updater
Adept is a new package manager for KDE. With advanced search facilities using 
debtags, hunting for packages is now easier than ever. 
To help keep your system current, adept-updater checks to see which packages 
have changed and makes it easy to download and install the latest fixes.

There are various other changes as well.  Even though it is hard to determine 
your exact issue(s), it appears that you have multimedia problems (no doubt 
you lost your non-free software from your Hoary setup when you did a clean 
install).  See this as it may help:  wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats

If you have an ubuntu install you can also check the new Ubuntu Starter Guide 
which addresses some of the restricted formats issues as well as many others.

Good luck and hang in there; it is all good.
Troy Williams
GPG Key: 1024D/FACE63E3 2005-04-20 Troy Williams
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