What is the location of my Linux headers?

Ryan Escarez ryan.escarez at gmail.com
Thu Oct 27 15:36:19 UTC 2005

On 10/27/05, Dave M G <martin at autotelic.com> wrote:
> Ubuntu Users,
>        When running the command "sudo dpkg-reconfigure wacom-kernel-source",
> I'm presented with the following question:
> You have choosen to compile the wacom modules, so you must specify the
> location of the Linux kernel headers for them to use.
> When Linux headers are provided by a kernel-headers-* package, they
> reside in /usr/src/kernel-headers-*.
> What is the location of your Linux headers?
>        I thought these "headers" weould be in /usr/src/linux-source-2.6.12,
> but it says it can't find them there.
>        Where are they?
>        And if anyone is wondering, I'm doing this because I'm trying,
> desperately, to get my Wacom tablet working. It's stuck in "absolute"
> mode, which sucks completely.

you can ask apt-get if you have linux header installed

$ apt-get install linux-header$(uname -r)

optionally, you might have to symlink the linux header

$ sudo ln -s /usr/src/linux-headers-$(uname -r) /usr/src/linux


Ryan Escarez
CEBB F1E4 1E39 EC48 F05D  6B72 9C11 DD88 5E39 E471
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