vmware & breezy

chris dunn chris at tropictc.com
Thu Oct 27 14:54:47 UTC 2005

Reinhard Tartler wrote:

> On 10/26/05, Lars Noldan <lnoldan at jdrweb.com> wrote:
>>I would like to inquire if anyone on this list has sucessfully installed
>>vmware 5.0 on breezy badger.
> I just updated our wiki with instructions how to install vmware on
> breezy: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VmWare
> Please mail me if there are still questions open.
> --
> regards,
>     Reinhard

This is good, and has been followed. VMware 5.0 seems to run with no 
difficulty under Ubuntu as a host.

Then Windows XP SLOW was installed as a guest on the Ubuntu / VMware host.

The installation took about 8 hours which is a tad more than I thought 
it took under Slackware previously. Unfortunately I need to run WXP.

Having successfully installed WXP as a guest it now takes approximately 
one hour to reach the start button, and any attempt to actually do 
anything from there takes even longer.

Has anybody else had similar difficulty or am I alone?

Chris Dunn

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