Are there any decent Peer To Peer clients working on Ubuntu

Dave M G martin at
Thu Oct 27 12:56:08 UTC 2005

Thank you all for the recommendations. Most of the applications
suggested seem to have the kinds of features I'm looking for.

However, I find I'm getting frustrated at most turns by the set up of
the application. I tried "Sancho", but when I got to the part of the
installation where it says to run "sancho -b", it simply says "command
not found", despite being in the directory created by the tar file.

With giFTui, I ran the gift-setup, but I still get a "substring" error
of some kind when I run it from the command line.

Soulseek installed okay, but it seems to have a hard time actually
connecting to any servers or acquire any files. I'm not sure if it has
proper access to the right ports.

I guess what I'm looking for is not just a P2P application, but a clear
set of instructions on how to get it up and running. Is there any P2P
application that has that feature?

Dave M G

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