upgrade sound problems

Hal Rider hrubuntu at gmail.com
Wed Oct 26 19:04:58 UTC 2005

Hi there,
I just upgraded to breezy. not a nice task had lots of complications
remembered not to panic, breathe and just work through each apt issue in 
recovery mode. pretty proud of myself am still new to linux.
anyways got most thing sorted and happy with it now, just one problem 
remains I cannot get sound playing quake 3. what am I missing
I checked mixer settings, have tried all the soundservers but none give 
me sound in quake 3. boohoo
not a major problem but non the less annoying.
It worked fine in hoary, and can live with the little problems like 
kcontrol gone from menu and don't know how to add it, but can do that 
any help would be appreciated.

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