Copying data from NTFS drive

Charles Malespin charles.malespin at
Tue Oct 25 20:09:02 UTC 2005

Hi all, 
   I recently had a hard drive failure running XP and hoary.  I got a
new hard drive and installed breezy fine.  Now I would like to mount my
old hard drive and take the usable data(ie music etc) off of it and save
it to my new drive.  I think(key word there....) I know how to do it for
copying stuff from my bad hoary to my new breezy, but I dont know how to
do it with the Windows XP side.  Its an NTFS partition and I have read
that you can only read from them.  Is there a way to move data from the
windows hard drive to breezy?  Thanks, 

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