How to add ENV VAR?

Jean-Eric jec at
Tue Oct 25 14:25:43 UTC 2005

I wonder what is the *clean* way of adding ENV VAR in Ubuntu/Debian?
In Fedora, there is a special place in /etc/profile.d/ where apps can 
add some scripts that are sourced by /etc/profile, so each new shell can 
get new ENV_VAR or other goodies (color ls, etc...)

The use case is:
- I install Java
- I would like that JAVA_HOME be pointed to that install

In Fedora, the java package installs /etc/profile.d/ which contains
   export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/java1.4.2

so everytime I run a new shell, I get JAVA_HOME

Is there something similar in Ubuntu? Modifying /etc/profile is not a 
valid option IMO...


Jean-Eric Cuendet
Riskpro Technologies SA
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