touchpad broken in breezy

afmdg afmdg at
Tue Oct 25 13:37:59 UTC 2005

Horst Schlonz a écrit :

>Am Montag, den 24.10.2005, 20:47 +0200 schrieb afmdg:
>>Horst Schlonz a écrit :
>>>i can tip with my touchpad, but not press. this is bad. it worked in
>>>hoary. this is meant to be ok?
>>You have probably a ALPS Touchpad.
>>See this thread, i explain a method that works with my Toshiba and some hp
>i am not sure. anyway, commands
>sudo tpconfig -t 1
>sudo tpconfig -t 2
>sudo tpconfig -t 3
>were not successful. still no tap and drag on my touchpad as it were in
I make here a package with version 0.14.3 of the driver synaptics
but I don't know if this can solve your problems.
There are many options that you have to add to your /etc/X11/xorg.conf.
I have this but there are others.
Section "InputDevice"
        Identifier      "Synaptics Touchpad"
        Driver          "synaptics"
        Option          "SendCoreEvents"        "true"
        Option          "Device"                "/dev/psaux"
        Option          "Protocol"              "auto-dev"
#        Option        "HorizScrollDelta"    "0"
  Option    "LeftEdge"        "120"
  Option    "RightEdge"        "830"
  Option    "TopEdge"        "120"
  Option    "BottomEdge"        "650"
  Option    "FingerLow"        "14"
  Option    "FingerHigh"        "15"
  Option    "MaxTapTime"        "180"
  Option    "MaxTapMove"        "110"
  Option    "EmulateMidButtonTime"    "75"
  Option    "VertScrollDelta"    "20"
  Option    "HorizScrollDelta"    "20"
  Option    "MinSpeed"        "0.3"
  Option    "MaxSpeed"        "0.75"
  Option    "AccelFactor"        "0.015"
  Option    "EdgeMotionMinSpeed"    "200"
  Option    "EdgeMotionMaxSpeed"    "200"
  Option    "UpDownScrolling"    "1"
  Option    "CircularScrolling"    "1"
  Option    "CircScrollDelta"    "0.1"
  Option    "CircScrollTrigger"    "2"
End Section


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