Emacs, very slow startup...

Andrea Giuliano a.giuliano at iccu.sbn.it
Tue Oct 25 11:25:14 UTC 2005

I even don't know what it is, sorry!

Eric S. Johansson wrote:
> Christoph Bier wrote:
>>> After about five second, the window is resized (because I chose a 
>>> font size different from the default), but it still remains empty (I 
>>> mean, completely empty, just a white background, even no cursor).
>>> After five more seconds, the file is finally showed.
>> I can not reproduce this. Which mode is used for this file? Or does
>> it occur with every file and different modi?
> is pymacs enabled?
> --- eric

Andrea Giuliano, Ph. D.
ICCU - Istituto Centrale per il Catalogo Unico
Viale Castro Pretorio 105, Rome - ITALY
Tel. +39064989509, Fax +39064059302

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