"Notification" applet problems ?

Vincent Trouilliez vincent.trouilliez at modulonet.fr
Sun Oct 23 17:43:30 UTC 2005


I am having some weird problem with the "notification" panel applet. 
When I play music with Rhythmbox, it puts an icon in the notification
area, so I can control the player from other work spaces. This leads me
to believe that the notification applet works... however for other
things that use this applet, it doesn't work... For instance, when I
print something, I used to get a little icon up there... no longer.
Also, when there are "updates" available for download, I used to get an
icon as well... no longer.
I noticed that if I create a fresh/brand new user account (for test
purposes), all the notifications work properly ! 

So it seems something is wrong in my user hidden files, that keeps the
print and update-manager icons from showing up. 
Does anyone know what files are involved ? What hidden file in my user
directory, must I fix to repair that ?

Here is hoping someone in the know is reading this...


Vince, trying to fix his Breezy now it's stable...

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