Floppy drive issues with the finale Breezy

'Forum Post ulist at gs1.ubuntuforums.org
Sat Oct 22 02:33:48 UTC 2005


I have a idea, but it may get some people upset what I am going to
say. If I reading your first cry for help and your replies. I can see
you are getting up set with the OS you have choosen. Ubuntu has Ebuntu,
I have not use it myself. It is free to DL and burn to disc. However,
step a couple steps back and breath.  There is other Linux OS out
there. I may get bashed for this. There is a program called Linspire.
It is very basic and simple to use. I started with Linspire and learned
quite a bit from the OS. You can Dl 4.5 for free off the net. As for 5.0
it is not and I would be happy to send you a copy. Linspire does mount
the floppy and other stuff. It is a Debain based program and there are
ways to hack into the program.



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