qparted issue: cannot split ntfs partition

Samuel Thurston, III sam.thurston at gmail.com
Thu Oct 20 19:32:00 UTC 2005

On 10/19/05, Greg Madden <gomadtroll at gci.net> wrote:
> On Wednesday 19 October 2005 14:33, Samuel Thurston, III wrote:
> *snip*
> > actually do it, and it said everything went fine... I am however,
> hesitant
> > to use ntfsresize in a permanent way as it would seem to have the
> potential
> > to screw things up but good. any suggestions?
> >
> > TIA,
> > Sam
> ntfsresize is a bit scary, you have to delete your partitions, then create
> new
> ones, 'DO NOT Format' Not an intuitive scenario. That said I have resized
> several laptop hd's that came with XP in order to dual boot and it works
> fine. I did this on new laptops so there was no chance of losing any data.

I guess my concern is that since qparted uses ntfsresize, why would the
command line work and the gui fail without any explanation?
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