Mythtv on ubuntu horay with dvb-t (freeview) - will it work?

Zach uid000 at
Thu Oct 20 10:21:49 UTC 2005

Can't speak to your troubles getting myth going on breezy, nor can I
address your question about your DVB card, but breezy's going to be a
better bet than hoary, because the breezy universe repositories have
myth 0.18.1, where the hoary repos only have 0.17.

If it's going to be a dedicated box, knoppmyth is worth a look.

On 10/19/05, Ben Edwards <funkytwig at> wrote:
> I have given up getting mythtv working on breezy and am thinking of giving
> hoary but wanted to check that at least one other person has got it working.
>  I will be using a nova-t dvb-t card.
>  Anyone got this working or shall I give gentoo a go;)
>  Ben
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