How Can I Interpret These Results from event0 and mouse0?

Dave M G martin at
Wed Oct 19 15:00:10 UTC 2005

Ubuntu Users,

	1. Situation
	I am trying to configure my Wacom tablet to use as my primary pointing
device. Actually, I have no mouse attached to the computer. I only have
a tablet.
	The pointer responds to directions from the tablet, so I have some
ability to navigate in the Gnome environment. However, I can not
configure or control the settings, which means that the pointer is not
behaving in a manner that allows for the most comfortable interface.
	To modify the xorg.conf file, I need to determine which device driver
is handling my tablet.

	2. Problems
	I have narrowed down the possibilities to event0 or mouse0.
	When I run the following commands:
sudo cat event0
sudo cat mouse0
	... and move my pen over my tablet, I get a bunch of feedback,
indicating that either one, or both, could be responsible for my tablet.

	3. Questions
	In my xorg.conf file, where it says:
Section "InputDevice"
Driver        "wacom"
Identifier    "cursor"
Option        "Device"        "/dev/input/event0"

	... after "Device", should it be event0 or mouse0 or something else?
	Why are both responding to my tablet?

Thanks for any help.

Dave M G

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