apt-move or apt-proxy failing to delete older versions of debs

golfer golfbuf at gmail.com
Wed Oct 19 13:24:35 UTC 2005

In the process of upgrading from hoary to breezy, I accumulated about
2.1 GB of debs.  Probably less than 1 GB are useful for a new breezy
installation, so I'd like to save them.

I need to sort through them and delete the older versions, then I'll
burn them on a CD.  If I decide to install breezy on my other
computer, I can use the repository.

I use to use 'apt-move' to do this, but it won't work on ubuntu
because of the directory structure with 'universe' and 'multiverse'. 
It won't copy anything that's from those directories and it won't
create them in the archive.  After much googling, I can't seem to find
a fix.

So, I thought I'd try 'apt-proxy', but I don't seem to be able to get
it's feature of eliminating old versions working.  I have the max
versions set to 1 and am trying to 'apt-proxy-import', but it won't
import anything.  If I set max versions to 3 (the default), then the
import brings in all 2.1 GB.  Then, if I set max versions back to 1
and set the clean_up frequency to 15m and wait, nothing happens.  So,
I'm confused on how to get apt-proxy to cull the duplicates.  Has
anyone been able to get this feature of apt-proxy working?

Any other suggestion on how I can accomplish culling this database?


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