to dual boot linux

Vram lamsokvr at
Wed Oct 19 07:59:08 UTC 2005

On Wed, 2005-10-19 at 00:39 -0700, AA wrote:
> my thought was to just create my normal user in
> ubuntu, and then create a user account just called
> 'studio' or something similar for the demudi.  Will
> that affect the user id numbers?  What problems could
> it cause, and what potential solutions could I use?
> Thanks, 
> --- Vram <lamsokvr at> wrote:
> > On Wed, 2005-10-19 at 00:00 -0700, AA wrote:
> > > Hello, I am currently dual booting windowxp and
> > ubuntu
> > > 5.10 with no problems.  I want to know if it is
> > safe
> > > to allow two different linux installations to
> > share
> > > the same /home drive?  
> > > I have windows on one HD, then I have a second HD
> > for
> > > my / and swap, and a third that is my /home.  What
> > I
> > > want to do is split the / HD into two /
> > partitions,
> > > install ubuntu on one and install demudi on the
> > other,
> > > but I want to use the same /home HD for both.  
> > > Is this safe, or should I also split the /home
> > into
> > > seperate partitions for each OS?  Do I need to
> > enable
> > > the large file support for an ext3 partition of I
> > will
> > > be recording audio to it?
> > > Thanks in advance, 
> > > SMH
> > > 
> > > 
> > > Asoka Anon     
> > > 7.9 Records
> > > 
> > > poeta est Agricolae
> > > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > The only thing I know to worry about is your <user>
> > id number..
> > 
> > If it is different then you can have  problems..
> > 
> > Good luck
> > 
> > 
> > Vram
> > 
> > 

So let's assume you have user MEL

And his user uid is 501 on one system and 1001 on another system;..

Well, MEL 501 and MEL 1001 are not the same user..

so you will need..




Not a good idea..

So to solve the problem  make sure the user has the same uid #

Good luck


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