Problem with building a sub-network on Ubuntu 5.10

Vram lamsokvr at
Tue Oct 18 02:12:58 UTC 2005

Can you second box ping eth1???

What is ip on second box???


On Mon, 2005-10-17 at 07:17 -0700, sunny odum wrote:
> I had established a sub-network on Suse Linux but have
> not been able to figure out why the problem with the
> brezzy badger.
> Here is the scenerio:
> I have two nics on the ubuntu box. Eth0 connects to
> the DSL modem and is configured to a Fixed IP
> address.Eth0  is ok and I could connect the web. Eth1
> is also configured with class c fixed IP address
> (, mask ( and the default GW
> and DNS as provided by the ISP. I have configured
> Dhcp3 server and enabled IP forwarding. While I could
> ping the only IP address of Eth1, I could not get the
> box connected to Eth1 access the web or ping any other
> IP address. 
> Is there something I am not doing rightly or should
> do?
> Thanks.
> Sunny. 
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