scsi naming by installer

Peter Lieverdink ubuntu at
Tue Oct 18 02:07:36 UTC 2005

On Mon, 2005-10-17 at 19:54 -0600, Dave Mallery wrote:
> hi
> here's my second problem: (i'm zero for three on 5.10 installs)
> i have two machines that have usb 2.0 add-in boards.  the installer
> finds the usb ports and assigns them sda, sdb, sdc and sdd. 
> then it comes to the two real scsi drives and names them sde and sdf.
> when it comes time to boot, init looks for the real hard drives at sda
> and sdb and that's all she wrote.
> i have had this problem with 5.04 and with others.
> i don't dare touch my production machines.
> now what?
> thanks in advance.
> dave

open a terminal; unload the usb and scsi modules; load the scsi modules
first, THEN the usb ones. Now sda/sdb should be the scsi drives.

After installation do not reboot, but check the initrd config file. make
_sure_ all required scsi modules are on the initrd image and loaded

- P.
Peter Lieverdink #108200   -37.807478, 144.94465
0x969F3F57   9662 1CB5 8E54 450D 2E12 9D7E 580E 2519 969F 3F57
cachaca   12:07:34 up 22:49  2 users  load: 0.14 0.21 0.23
Ubuntu 5.10 (Breezy Badger)   Linux 2.6.12-9-amd64-k8 x86_64

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