using hostap Was: Netgear MA111 USB 802.11b adaptor as Access Point?

Steve bassix at
Mon Oct 17 19:43:29 UTC 2005

On 10/17/05, Michael R. Head <burner at> wrote:
> First of all, you'll need to be sure the hostap drivers are being
> loaded. Rather than leaving it up to hotplug, I just put hostap_plx
> in /etc/modules. You may need hostap_cs, since you're using a laptop.
> Once you do that, reboot, and hopefully, you'll have these interfaces:
> wifi0, wlan0, wlan0ap-00. The last one lets you know that your interface
> can run as an access point.
> You'll need to configure your wireless card to have some address. You
> should be able to do this using the  networking too in
> System/Administration. If not, you can manually edit
> your /etc/network/interfaces file by hand with your favorite editor
> under sudo. Mine has this stanza in it:
> auto wlan0
> iface wlan0 inet static
>        address
>        network
>        netmask
>        broadcast
>        wireless_essid burner
> If it's all good, do a sudo ifup wlan0.
> Then you need to edit your /etc/hostapd/hostapd.conf file. The key
> things to set is the ssid, but you may want to add more security options
> like WEP or WPA. Once that's done, do a /etc/init.d/hostapd restart
> You'll still need a dhcp server and some sort of router setup software.
> I'm using dhcpd and ipmasq. I think dnsmasq is supposed to be a simple
> DHCP and DNS tool for this use, but I haven't tried it.
> good luck,
> mike


Thanks for the detailed instructions... I will try this tonight.

I think I should be OK once I get the first part happening (adaptor
showing up in networks). Right now I use Firestarter to share my
internet (dialup) through my ethernet lan port. I should be able to
just replace that ethernet port with the wlan port in firestarters
settings and all should work fine (to share internet over wireless
instead of wired). At least that's my plan. :-)

I'll let you know if I have more problems!

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