From Hoary to Breezy

alain.muls at alain.muls at
Mon Oct 17 07:59:51 UTC 2005


I just upgraded from Hoary to Breezy.
I had some thrills since the dist=upgrade blocked on "apt", removing apt and restart the upgrade a couple of times finally brought me to the breezy desktop.

I get the following message in Gnome:

The formerly monolithic language packs have been split into three parts: GNOME, KDE, and all other translations.  Depending on whether you use GNOME and/or KDE you should install the language-pack-gnome-en and/or language-pack-kde-en package. You should consider using the Language Selector (System -> Administration -> Language Selector) which will do that automatically.

I wanted to do this, but I do not have this menu item available. How to proceed.

Also I would like to have the Usplash, does I only have to install it with aptitude?

Alain Muls

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