getting .xsession to run

Bill Marcum bmarcum at
Sun Oct 16 21:58:12 UTC 2005

On Sat, 15 Oct 2005 21:34:13 -0400, 'Forum Post 
  <ulist at> wrote:
> i had similar problems. so these solutions you refer interest me, but
> as a newbie i don't understand everything you mention.
> what i want to do is start some graphical programs in a certain window
> size in a certain workspace at log in. as far as i know, the sessions
> menu does not allow to set window size and such. (btw, i havent figured
> out how i can set a certain workspace at all.)
In most graphical applications you can specify the window size and
position with the "-geometry" or "-g" option (Mozilla products are
exceptions, for reasons known only to their developers).  Many window
managers allow you to specify the workspace where an application starts,
but I'm not sure how you can do that with Metacity, if you can.  The
Metacity man page refers to an info file which does not seem to exist.
I use fvwm-gnome as my window manager.  I removed nautilus from my 
default session, because the nautilus function keys override fvwm's.

> and where can i find info about .xclients and how to edit a script that
> would source this file? can i use an existing one as template?
> thx for any help

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