Editing xorg.conf to support a Wacom tablet, and permissions

Neil Woolford neil at neilwoolford.co.uk
Sun Oct 16 10:02:22 UTC 2005

On Sun, 2005-10-16 at 11:59 +0900, Dave M G wrote:

> 	3. Questions
> 	First, I'm a little confused about the permissions situation in Ubuntu.
> When installing, it never asked me to specify a password for a super
> user account. Now that I am trying to edit the xorg.conf file, I need
> root level permissions. When I type "su -" into the command line, it
> asks for a password and I don't know what I should offer.

By default, the *first* user created has administrative privileges, so
that'd be *your* password.  See
https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo?highlight=%28sudo%29%7C%28root%29 in
the Ubuntu Wiki for more information...

It is probably best to use the sudo (super user do) command rather than
su;  issues to do with environment variables I believe.


PS Good luck with the Wacom.  I've just trialled my old serial Intuos 2
successfully with Ubuntu, but as I'm using it as a drawing/retouching
tool with the Gimp I haven't tried to use relative positioning as
absolute suits drawing well.

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