Is Breezy ready and several other questions

albi albi at
Sun Oct 16 09:22:48 UTC 2005

On Sun, 16 Oct 2005 11:00:08 +0200
Jonas Björk <jonas at> wrote:

> fre 2005-10-14 klockan 13:08 -0400 skrev Timothy A. Holmes:
> [snip]
> > 5). Are there any good P2P programs for UBUNTU (yes, I know the risks,
> > and yes, I know to avoid copyright problems) but I would like to try
> > them out on the linux side of the world
-- cut --
> > Jeremiah 33:3
> > Jeremiah 29:11
> > Esther 4:14
> "Thou shalt not steal" [Exd 20:15]
> "Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor
> extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God." [1Cr 6:10]

here are some package-names to install :

gtk-gnutella - shares files in a peer to peer network
amule - aNOTHER eMule P2P Client
mldonkey-server - Door to the 'donkey' network
xmule - eMule client for the edonkey2000 network
wmdonkeymon - Shows the status of edonkey's downloads in progress
bittornado - bittorrent client with enhanced curses interface
bittorrent - Scatter-gather network file transfer
gnome-btdownload - Gnome interface for 'executing' BitTorrent files.
kdenetwork-kfile-plugins - torrent metainfo plugin for KDE
bittornado-gui - bittorrent client with enhanced GUI interface
bittorrent-gui - Scatter-gather network file transfer (GUI files)
ktorrent - BitTorrent client for KDE
qtorrent - graphical BitTorrent client using Qt 3.x


grtjs, albi
gpg-key: lynx -dump | gpg --import

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