just upgraded from 5.04 to 5.10

MrKnisely mrknisely at mrknisely.is-a-geek.org
Sun Oct 16 03:26:53 UTC 2005

toylet wrote:

>Just upgraded from Ubuntu-5.04 to 5.10 painlessly using the 5.10 CDROM.
>Not perfect as I needed to open the mini-terminal inside Synaptic to
>answer questions.
>IN the end,  the /etc/apt/sources.list was not updated automatically
>(replacing all "hoary" with "breezy").
Anyone try just updateing the apt sources and doing a dist-upgrade?

I'm itching to upgrade.  I've got an install on a test box and it looks 
good... but I'm nervious to do the upgrade on my live systems.


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