SSH sudo password problem

Jonathan S. Romero jromero at
Fri Oct 14 19:48:40 UTC 2005

When you run normally it gets the certificate from
your /home/normaluser/.ssh/ (or

When you sudo it looks in 

This is for the client's certificate.


On Fri, 2005-10-14 at 15:33 -0400, Carthik Sharma wrote:
> Hi Folks,
> I have hit the wall (yet again) with my limited skills :o)
> I wrote a bash script to remotely backup files with ssh. I have set up
> the ssh server, and the laptop to communicate without passwords.
> So....
> 1) If from the terminal, I try a
> $ssh -l carthik -p 8888
> I am logged in without being prompted for a password.
> 2) If I have the same in a shell script called and
> execute it thus:
> $ ./
> I am logged in without being prompted for a password
> However
> 3) If I execute the same script using
> $ sudo ./
> I am repeatedly asked for my (carthik's) password, for each instance
> of an ssh statement in the script! In the script I try to log in to
> the remote server as user carthik, not as user "root" or anything of
> that sort.
> Any hints as to why $sudo ./ behaves differently from
> $ ./ ?
> Thanks,
> Carthik.
> P.S. I can share the script once I am done fixing this problem :)
> -- 
> Ph.D. Candidate
> University of Central Florida
> Homepage:

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