Hoary->Breezy locale and keyboard problems

Vaidotas Zemlys mpiktas at gmail.com
Fri Oct 14 07:25:58 UTC 2005


So yesterday I upgraded from Hoary to Breezy. The process was not
smooth, I had to use apt-get -f install few times, the perl was
constantly complaining that it cannot set my locale (lt_LT.UTF-8)
properly and I had to dpkg -i --force overwrite libofx, in order to
finish upgrade process. That took about 2,5 hours.

After installation Breezy booted normally, wireless worked, I could
login into Gnome. Yet gdm was in English, when it should be in
Lithuanian, Gnome also, some menu entries were in Lithuanian, but
mainly everything was in English. dpkg-reconfigure locales did not
help. I know, that Gnome 2.12 is completely translated to Lithuanian,
so where is the problem?

Also imediately after logging in, I got error window that my keyboard
settings are wrong. I tried to change it using keyboard settings, but
whenever I changed something I got this message:

Error activating XKB configuration.
It can happen under various circumstances:
- a bug in libxklavier library
- a bug in X server (xkbcomp, xmodmap utilities)
- X server with incompatible libxkbfile implementation

X server version data:
The X.Org Foundation

If you report this situation as a bug, please include:
- The result of xprop -root | grep XKB
- The result of gconftool-2 -R /desktop/gnome/peripherals/keyboard/kbd

The result of the first command is
_XKB_RULES_NAMES_BACKUP(STRING) = "xorg", "pc104", "lt", "", ""
_XKB_RULES_NAMES(STRING) = "xorg", "pc104", "lt", "", ""

Of the second
layouts = [lt]
 model =
 overrideSettings = false
 options = [grp grp:win_switch]

When I tried setting keyboard from command line using setxkbmap -layout "lt"
I got
Error loading new keyboard description

So it seems to me, that something is really wrong with my xorg and
keyboard settings. What could it be?

I'd be thankfull if anyone at least pointed out, where I should look
for problems, or against which packages I should fill bugs.


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