PowerPC (Mac) Upgrade to Breezy

Troy Williams troywill1 at gmail.com
Thu Oct 13 19:10:49 UTC 2005

On Thursday October 13 2005 1:20 pm, Romeyn Prescott wrote:
> I'm trying to take my G4 from Hoary to Breezy.  I changed all
> references to 'hoary' to 'breezy' in my sources file and ran (as
> root) 'apt-get update'.  Output follows.  Any thoughts on how to
> remedy?  I've re-run 'apt-get update' several times as it suggests to
> no avail.
> Thanks,
> ...ROMeyn

Quickly just a couple of things I noticed when looking at your output.  You 
still have the Warty CD in your sources list.  You can lose that.  The 
timeout on archive.ubuntu.com is because of the fact that the servers are 
VERY busy today since it is release day.

Make those changes and apt-get update again and be patient as things will be 
slow for awhile.
Troy Williams
GPG Key: 1024D/FACE63E3 2005-04-20 Troy Williams (Gmail Account Key) 
<troywill1 at gmail.com>

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