IP listening

R.L.Reingard list.account at gmx.net
Wed Oct 12 20:03:24 UTC 2005

> Am 12.10.2005, 21:05 Uhr, schrieb Robbo <ml at the-view.eclipse.co.uk>:

>> On Sat, 2005-10-01 at 10:44 +0200, R.L. Reingard wrote:
>> i tried commands with $ netstat, but do not get what i like to see. i  
>> want to understand what program / utility i have to use to simple get  
>> to know
>> the following.
>> to which IP address(es) the machine is connected at the moment? (nice
>> would be if it could be shown continously refreshed)
>> AND
>> which IP address does search a connection to the machine at the moment?
>> (and at what door / ports do they knock?)

> Try iftop.
> and "iftop -P" for showing port activity.

user at ubuntu:~$ iftop
bash: iftop: command not found
user at ubuntu:~$

what is IFTOP, Robbo?

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