Ubuntu in the OSDL Desktop linux survey

Derek Broughton news at pointerstop.ca
Wed Oct 12 14:23:27 UTC 2005

Mark Shuttleworth wrote:

> Hi all
> http://developer.osdl.org/dev/dtl/survey/start.shtml
> This survey will help us understand what features are most important for
> the next release. We are just starting to set the feature list for
> Dapper (6.04) and would appreciate your knowledge and ideas.
> In addition, if you have specific feature requests, now's a good time to
> mail them to me. I'll be preparing for the Ubuntu Below Zero (UBZ)
> conference over the next ten days, and ideas that come in before then
> could make it onto the agenda for the dev team.

Brilliant.  In Konqueror, this survey presents me with _exactly_ the same
three questions on every page.  It works fine in IE :-(

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