Update notifier and the repo lists

Magnus Therning magnus at therning.org
Tue Oct 11 10:59:30 UTC 2005

The update notifier signalled me that there are new packages available
for download. Click on it, then click on "install". A new dialogue pops
up reporting that *all* packages are *NOT AUTHENTICATED*. A little
worried I open a terminal, run "sudo apt-get update" and then "sudo
apt-get upgrade". Not a word from 'apt-get' about unauthenticated

I turn back to update notifier and now, with updated repo lists, it
doesn't complain about unauthenticated packages.

What's up? Is it known behaviour?


Magnus Therning                    (OpenPGP: 0xAB4DFBA4)
magnus at therning.org

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     -- Geoff Kuenning's contribution to the 2004 Perl Haiku Contest,
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