Microphone problem

Kenneth P. Turvey kt-usenet at squeakydolphin.com
Mon Oct 10 23:48:40 UTC 2005

Hash: SHA1

I've got an Inspiron 5100 from Dell.  It is about two years old.  I've
installed Ubuntu on it, Breezy.  Everything is pretty much working.  I
don't use the ethernet or the modem so I've disabled them in the setup 
and I'm not worried about the drivers.

I do have one problem though.  Recording anything from the external
microphone, all I get is silence.  I actually tried several different
microphones since none of them had been used in a long time.  Then I
booted up under Dell's test CD and tested the microphone there.  It 
worked fine.  

The driver I'm using is the snd_intel8x0 driver.  It is automatically
detected on boot up.  All the sounds work fine.  

This is actually an important feature to me.  I need it to work as soon
as possible.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.  

Thank you, 

- -- 
Kenneth P. Turvey <kt-usenet at squeakydolphin.com> 
http://kt.squeakydolphin.com (not much there yet)
Jabber IM: kpturvey at jabber.org
Phone: (314) 255-2199
Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (GNU/Linux)


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