Text mode toys

Phil Cryer phil at cryer.us
Mon Oct 10 17:10:58 UTC 2005

> > This is just a hypothetical, but what kinds of things can
> > feasibly be done without X?

all of my servers don't run a monitor, they're all 2 wire; data and power.  Still, I ssh into them, can check mail via mutt, can dnld stuff via wget, check basic web page func with links2, backup files via rsync (tunneled through ssh), IRC chat via BitchX, and so on.  So you *could* use it in place of a desktop, but I use it to enchance my desktop; having a shell open while I'm checking my mail helps me see what's going on, plus I can get on IRC, which I can't from work since we're firewalled off, but ssh'ing to home via port 666 - then running BitchX from there puts me on freednode all day...encrypted end to end yet.


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