Breezy and USB sticks

Magnus Therning magnus at
Mon Oct 10 14:26:02 UTC 2005

I just upgraded from Hoary to Breezy. Works like a charm :-)

Just one little problem, not a biggie, but it's irritating. On my USB
stick I have two partitions, one vfat one ext3. When I insert the stick
I get three icons on my desktop, one for each partition (/dev/sdb1 &
/dev/sdb2) and one for the device (/dev/sdb). I only want icons for the
first two!

In Hoary I managed to find a way to fix it. Probably making use of a bug
:-) I wrote down what I did here:

That solution doesn't work under Breezy :-( How do I prevent it properly
under Breezy?


Magnus Therning                    (OpenPGP: 0xAB4DFBA4)
magnus at

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